Category: <span>ISSDC</span>

ISSDC Winners!


Huge congratulations to the EU team who were part of Dougeldyne, the winning company at this year's ISSDC. The ISSDC is a three day event held at the Kennedy Space Center, and the students work in companies consisting of 50-60 students; this year some of the team were working online, which adds to the difficulty of communicating effectively - so to be in the winning team is reflective of an incredibly difficult task carried out amazingly well.

The EU team consisted of the following members (in alphabetical order!):

Adrian Turtulea
Alessandro Salina
Alexandru Teodorescu Druc
Anastasia Ioana Paraschiv
Enrique Jiménez Molina
Guilherme Abrantes Leal
Lorena Terrón Egido
Maria João Lopes
Pablo Asenjo Gonzalez
Pablo Gutierrez Izquierdo
Rita Ferrão Baptista Fernandes
Sara Sofia dos Reis Filipe

Well done to all of you, and thank you to the accompanying teachers Mónica Juárez Jiménez, Óscar Partida and Ricardo Mota, and also the wonderful parents who made this trip of a lifetime possible.

Kennedy Space Center

Team Announcement

EUSDC Team Announcement

We are pleased to announce that the following students have been selected to represent the EU at the International Space Settlement Design Competition to be held at the Kennedy Space Center in July 2023 - congratulations to the following students..(N.B all are listed in alphabetical order)


From Kepler Automation

Adrian Turtulea

Alessandro Salina

Anastasia Paraschiv

Guilherme Abrantes Leal

Enrique Jiménez Molina

Lorena Terrón Egido

Rita Ferrão Baptista Fernandes


From Earhart Advanced Industries

Maria João LopesPablo Asenjo Gonzalez

Pablo Asenjo Gonzalez

Pablo Gutierrez



Juan Barbas Anta


From Earhart Advanced Industries

Sara Sofia dos Reis Filipe

Teodorescu Druc Alexandru



EUSDC 2022 & ISSDC Qualifiers


Congratulations and well done to all participants of the second continent-wide European Space Design Competition, EUSDC 2022!

57 dedicated participants, 7 European Nations, 6 competing companies, 7 invaluable volunteers.

The challenge presented to Kepler Automation (KA), Olympus Mons Trading Company (OMTC), and Earhart Advanced Industries (EAI) was to design Aesop, a highly modular and modifiable inhabitable hub to house humanity’s artefacts and works of art. It was to be constructed on Mars’ moon, Phobos. The purpose? To be the cultural hub of the solar system.

The incredible efforts put in by all across the three companies has made judging an exceptionally difficult task and the EUSDC team is immensely proud of the quality of work produced. Alas, one company must be selected as the champions of the competition. This year, the title of the EUSDC winning company is Earhart Advanced Industries. Well done to all 20 participants for convincing the judges with your winning design proposals!

Guillermo Baselga Gómez


Luciano Francesco Galizia


Rodrigo Caseiro

Vice President — Engineering

Rawan Ehab Almafraji


Sara Filipe

Vice President — Marketing & Sales

Samuele Artico


Pablo Asenjo Gonzalez

 HoD Structures

Teresa Correia


Joana da Conceição Ferreira Piçarra

HoD Operations

Antonio Crisalli


Carlos Atienza González

HoD Human Factors

Emanuele Cravero


Juan Barbas Anta

HoD Automations

Mercedes Andrea


Lucía Barbas Anta

Human Factors

Tatiana Coreniuc


Maria Leonor de Almeida Marinho

Human Factors

Sergio Barbas Vázquez


David Díaz Gutiérrez


Gonzalo Burgos


From all participants, only 12 entrants can qualify for the NASA World Finals this summer. From 29 July – 1 August 2022, qualifiers from around the world will gather in person at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center to take part at the 2022 International Space Settlement Design Competition (ISSDC). There will be no digital hosting element to this year’s ISSDC and therefore all qualifying participants must attend in person.

The following 2 individuals have already been selected as the Golden Ticket recipients at the Italy and Portugal Nationals:

Luigi Trucco

ITSDC — KA — VPE    

Bernardo Rodrigues

PTSDC — KA — President

Through a rigorous selection process, the EUSDC is proud to congratulate the following 9 students who will be qualifying from the EUSDC and representing Europe at this year’s ISSDC! The 12th and final position is being reserved for a National competition scheduled for May.

Guillermo Baselga Gómez

EAI — President

Joana da Conceição Ferreira Piçarra

EAI — HoD Operations

Sara Filipe

EAI — VP Marketing & Sales

Sergio Barbas Vázquez

EAI — Automations

Pablo Asenjo Gonzalez

EAI — HoD Structures

Traditionally, participants with the highest number of votes from the challenging companies join the representatives of the winning company. In recognition of their outstanding effort, the following students have been selected:

Ivan (Valerie) Kamberov

KA — HoD Operations

Roberto Gurnari

KA — Human Factors

Marta Vasconcelos

OMTC — President

Pablo Gutiérrez Izquierdo

OMTC — Structures

The following individuals have been selected as the ISSDC 2022 reserves in the stated order:

Marta Isola

KA — Operations

João Lourenço

KA —VP Enginering

Rodrigo Caseiro

EAI — VP Enginering

Once again, congratulations! Not only to the ISSDC qualifiers, but to all taking part for making this year’s edition of the EUSDC a memorable and educationally valuable event. Special thanks to International Space University for your constant support in outreach and your enthusiasm for the competitions, and to all the volunteers across the entire EUSDC journey for supporting us.

If you have been inspired to join our journeys or our EUSDC family, do not hesitate to get in touch or register yourself as a volunteer. We’d love to have you on board.

Watch this space!


PTSDC 2022 Qualifiers to EUSDC & ISSDC


Congratulations and well done to all participants of the first National Space Design Competition in Portugal, PTSDC 2022!

37 dedicated participants across multiple regions of Portugal, 3 competing companies, 19 invaluable volunteers. 

The challenge presented to Kepler Automation, Olympus Mons Trading Company, and Earhart Advanced Industries was to design a habitat on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. The purpose? A state-of-the-art science & medical research facility.

The incredible efforts put in by all across the three companies has made judging a difficult task. Alas, one company must be selected as the champions of the competition to progress onwards to the EUSDC. This year, the title of the PTSDC winning company is Kepler Automation. 

The EUSDC is proud to congratulate the following 14 students who will be representing Portugal at this year’s European Final:

Alexandre Plotean João Lourenço
Bernardo Rodrigues Mafalda Sampaio Blanco Gaspar
Bernardo Nunes Marta Vasconcelos
Duarte Marques Rafael Pereira
Joana Monteiro Sara Filipe
Joana da Conceição Ferreira Piçarra Tatiana Coreniuc
João Neto Teresa Correia

As is EUSDC tradition, participants with the highest number of votes from the challenging companies join the representatives of the winning company at the European Final. In recognition of their outstanding effort, the following 4 participants have been selected:

Maria Leonor de Almeida Marinho
Rodrigo Caseiro
João Theriaga Gonçalves
Maria João Lopes

Available to the PTSDC competition was a Golden Ticket opportunity of progressing directly to the World Finals, NASA’s ISSDC held in Florida USA. Having to prove their exemplary efforts during the competition, the organising committee has decided that the recipient of this prestigious award for the PTSDC 2022 goes to:

Bernardo Rodrigues

President — Kepler Automation

Congratulations! Not only to the EUSDC qualifiers and Golden Ticket recipient, but to all taking part for making this year’s edition of the PTSDC other-worldly. Special thanks to Ciencia Viva & Portugal Space Agency for your collaboration, Pedro Coimbra & Marta Goncalves for your outstanding efforts as PTSDC Lead Organisers, and to all the volunteers from across Europe for supporting us.

Plenty more SDCs in the pipeline.

Watch this space!


ITSDC 2021 Qualifiers to EUSDC & ISSDC

Congratulations and well done to all participants of the first National Space Design Competition in Europe, Italian SDC 2021!

62 dedicated participants across multiple regions of Italy, 3 competing companies, 9 invaluable volunteers. 

The challenge presented to Kepler Automation, Olympus Mons Trading Company, and Earhart Advanced Industries was to design an Aldrin Cycler between Earth and Mars. The purpose? To transport high-end business personnel between the two planets.

The incredible efforts put in by all across the three companies has made judging a difficult task. Alas, one company must be selected as the champions of the competition to progress onwards to the EUSDC. This year, the title of the ITSDC winning company is Kepler Automation. 

The EUSDC is proud to congratulate the following 21 students who will be representing Italy at this year’s European Final:

Andrea Gatto Emanuele Cravero
Antonio Crisalli Francesca Leonetti
Carlo Garbarino Luciano Francesco Galizia
Chiara Pasini Luigi Trucco
Chiara Fabbri Marta Isola
Christian Nappi Matteo Lombardo
Danilo Morabito Roberto Gurnari
Diego Lopez Samuele Cuzzocrea
Eleonora Poggi Tiziano Pasini
Elisa Ferrari Riccardo Maccarrone
Elisa Marino

As is EUSDC tradition, participants with the highest number of votes from the challenging companies join the representatives of the winning company at the European Final. In recognition of their outstanding effort, the following 4 participants have been selected:

Elisa Nardin
Samuele Artico
Pietro Gambini
Zakaria Ouhlichou

Available to the ITSDC competition was a Golden Ticket opportunity of progressing directly to the World Finals, NASA’s ISSDC held in Florida USA. Having to prove their exemplary efforts during the competition, the organising committee has decided that the recipient of this prestigious award for the ITSDC 2021 goes to:

Luigi Trucco

Vice President of Engineering — Kepler Automation

Congratulations! Not only to the EUSDC qualifiers and Golden Ticket recipient, but to all taking part for making this year’s edition of the ITSDC other-worldly. Special thanks to Politecnico Di Milano (POLIMI) for your collaboration, Tommaso Tonina for your outstanding efforts as ITSDC Lead Organiser, and to all the volunteers from across Europe for supporting us.

Watch this space! Plenty more SDCs in the pipeline.