Category: <span>EUSDC</span>

ISSDC Winners!


Huge congratulations to the EU team who were part of Dougeldyne, the winning company at this year's ISSDC. The ISSDC is a three day event held at the Kennedy Space Center, and the students work in companies consisting of 50-60 students; this year some of the team were working online, which adds to the difficulty of communicating effectively - so to be in the winning team is reflective of an incredibly difficult task carried out amazingly well.

The EU team consisted of the following members (in alphabetical order!):

Adrian Turtulea
Alessandro Salina
Alexandru Teodorescu Druc
Anastasia Ioana Paraschiv
Enrique Jiménez Molina
Guilherme Abrantes Leal
Lorena Terrón Egido
Maria João Lopes
Pablo Asenjo Gonzalez
Pablo Gutierrez Izquierdo
Rita Ferrão Baptista Fernandes
Sara Sofia dos Reis Filipe

Well done to all of you, and thank you to the accompanying teachers Mónica Juárez Jiménez, Óscar Partida and Ricardo Mota, and also the wonderful parents who made this trip of a lifetime possible.

Kennedy Space Center

Team Announcement

EUSDC Team Announcement

We are pleased to announce that the following students have been selected to represent the EU at the International Space Settlement Design Competition to be held at the Kennedy Space Center in July 2023 - congratulations to the following students..(N.B all are listed in alphabetical order)


From Kepler Automation

Adrian Turtulea

Alessandro Salina

Anastasia Paraschiv

Guilherme Abrantes Leal

Enrique Jiménez Molina

Lorena Terrón Egido

Rita Ferrão Baptista Fernandes


From Earhart Advanced Industries

Maria João LopesPablo Asenjo Gonzalez

Pablo Asenjo Gonzalez

Pablo Gutierrez



Juan Barbas Anta


From Earhart Advanced Industries

Sara Sofia dos Reis Filipe

Teodorescu Druc Alexandru


Europe from space

EUSDC Final 2023

EUSDC Finals a fantastic success!

Kepler presentation from EUSDC Final

 Space enthusiasts from around Europe either competed in, or helped to run, the European Space Design Competition finals on 1st and 2nd April, and the passion was in evidence throughout the weekend! This year, our finalists were drawn from all over Europe, either via the online all-EU regional-heat, or from specific events in Italy, Portugal, Spain and Romania. 

Our settlement challenge was all about a settlement orbiting the Sun, with interestingly difficult design problems. Collaboration between departments was key and communication was so effective that we tended to forget that everyone else was working in their second or third language.

 Saturday’s morning excellent briefing and tech talks were hosted by competition alumni, and, following extensive research and intensive working from  the students, led to the Sunday afternoon’s company presentations that we were treated to. The RfP from the Foundation Society was big, technical and ambitious but all teams were impressively ready to field questions from the client’s panel of proposal judges. With people coming from countries in different time zones and far apart, our online finals used video conferencing. We had 7 judges from various countries, who were experts in the space industry, including Barbara Kennedy who works for Sierra Nevada Corp and who judges space proposals as part of her normal real-life job. Our project proposals were judged on their creativity, feasibility, and scientific accuracy. A settlement that orbits the Sun required careful consideration of distance from the Sun, materials’ ability to withstand extreme conditions and, because it was a settlement for conducting R&D, what equipment and resources could be used in those conditions?

The final designs presented by the finalists were diverse and impressive. After long debate by the judges, the winning team, Kepler, was announced. International finalists are drawn from the three teams and will be announced soon: watch this space!

Everyone was intrigued to hear news from judge, Dr Bertrand Goldman of the ISU (International Space University). The opportunities for study featured in an impromptu Q&A, and Barbara also noted opportunities to be mentored or do internships with NASA, as interesting for the staff and volunteers as for the student participants. The post-competition conversations finished on a high note, as warm as the Sun, and without the need for radiation protection!  



EDITOR’s NOTE: The blog, below, is by  Nathan Besch & Yannis Kühn, FRSDC 2023 organisers and EU/ISSDC alumni. This is their tale of how they have morphed from competitors, into EU volunteers, into organisers of the French SDC, gaining excellent practical management work-experience along the way. The perfect English is their own: sub-headings were added, to aid anyone reading in their third or fourth language . 

ENJOY this insight and glimpse behind the scenes. 

Use our volunteer’s form here, if you want to explore the opportunities to be a volunteer. 

Email the UKSDC team if you have experiences, insights, funny stories or awesome memories to blog.



The Nathan & Yannis French Space Design Blog: Episode 1

How our we’ve shaped, and been shaped by, experiences in SDC competitions since 2020

We are Nathan Besch and Yannis Kühn, the two future organisers of the first French National Space Design Competition (FRSDC). We’re keen to embed the French competition into the SDC universe, so we decided to let you know a bit more about us and our experiences with Space Design Competitions. We’ve been competing participants; we’ve been volunteers and now we’re taking on the role of organisers. Here is the story of our pathway, which might inspire you to volunteer, too.

NATHAN’S TALE:  When I was 16, I joined the very first European Space Design Competition. It took place in 2020 and was qualified for the International SDC of the same year. These were eye-opening experiences, that transformed my passion for space into a concrete project for the first time in my life; a project that I got to share with space enthusiasts from all over the world. The fact that both competitions were online made these first experiences homely and comfortable, (albeit that the frustrations of not being in-person at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) for the World Finals were,  as you could imagine, fully felt.)

Naturally, I signed up for the 2021 edition, at which point Yannis joined me in the European edition.

In 2021, I was elected team President. Thanks to an amazing team, full of brilliant people, we won! That meant a dozen people from our team were chosen to participate in the International SDC including Yannis, myself and our friends Thomas Schlesser and Mathilde Dziechiarz. Of the four of us, only Yannis was able to go in-person and experience the competition at the NASA Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, which I’m sure he’ll be delighted to describe to you in the next paragraph.

YANNIS’ TALE:  In spite of COVID19-induced restrictions, I was indeed one of the lucky two Europeans that made it to the US, in-person, that year. It was like a dream come true; not only coming to the US for the first time but to the Kennedy Space Center as well. Doing the competition where the cornerstone of space history was laid, was truly a life-goal opportunity that I’m encouraging every participant to aim to experience at least once. After participating in an online EUSDC. I found that the in-person experience increased my enthusiasm even more: it allowed me to hear the stories of the organisers and to actively engage with them, which definitely inspired me to be part of the SDC organisational team and community of volunteers. 

NATHAN & YANNIS COMBINED REFLECTIONS: In addition to making us meet, and work with, incredible people, these experiences taught us extremely valuable skills. There were many skills but big ones included experiences of taking on responsibility, leadership, decision-making, efficient communication in a foreign language and, for some, flying over the Atlantic by yourself and being truly self-responsible. 

But of course, we wanted more.

We became volunteers for other countries. Wanting more is why we took part in both the Portuguese National and European 2022 SDCs as team CEOs. We acted as mentors, advising and helping our respective team members in their initial company organisation and in the processes for achieving the conception of base design. Volunteering was a way for us to start giving back our knowledge and experience of SDCs; it definitely was a new and very different perspective from being a participant competitor. 

We saw behind-the-scenes. Our roles as volunteers put us in a different position inside the SDC world: we sometimes acted as bridges between the organisers and the students. It meant we were very close to, and understood, both parties. This allowed us to gain precious behind-the-scenes experience that showed us a high-level, big-picture of a Space Design Competition that we had never imagined before.  

We started looking at the French scene: After a year of volunteering and seeing a couple of National Competitions springing up to life, we thought that it would be an interesting idea to introduce the SDC concept in our home country: France. It feels like our country is ripe to have scientific high school competitions that are not purely academic but based on technical problems that can/will be found in the industry. Moreover, the French Space Agency (CNES) is the main contributor to the European Space Agency, and we feel it is about time space sciences play a larger role in our scientific education.

We have now  created a French opportunity: We are both incredibly grateful to be able to bring our experience in SDCs to practice in organising the first French Space Design Competition (FRSDC) with the SSEF, and it just feels right to give back everything we’ve learned these last few years to an enthusiastic audience of “lycéens”. Our long-term goal would be to democratise as much as possible the SDC concept in our country and hopefully to make it a reference to take part in these competitions. As for now, we are very happy to expose students to space sciences as much as possible and to stir their passion the best we can.


End of Blog: authored by Nathan Besch & Yannis Kühn, FRSDC 2023 organisers and EU/ISSDC alumni . 

INSPIRED? WANT TO HELP THE FRENCH SDC and/or other SDCs? Click here.


EUSDC 2022 & ISSDC Qualifiers


Congratulations and well done to all participants of the second continent-wide European Space Design Competition, EUSDC 2022!

57 dedicated participants, 7 European Nations, 6 competing companies, 7 invaluable volunteers.

The challenge presented to Kepler Automation (KA), Olympus Mons Trading Company (OMTC), and Earhart Advanced Industries (EAI) was to design Aesop, a highly modular and modifiable inhabitable hub to house humanity’s artefacts and works of art. It was to be constructed on Mars’ moon, Phobos. The purpose? To be the cultural hub of the solar system.

The incredible efforts put in by all across the three companies has made judging an exceptionally difficult task and the EUSDC team is immensely proud of the quality of work produced. Alas, one company must be selected as the champions of the competition. This year, the title of the EUSDC winning company is Earhart Advanced Industries. Well done to all 20 participants for convincing the judges with your winning design proposals!

Guillermo Baselga Gómez


Luciano Francesco Galizia


Rodrigo Caseiro

Vice President — Engineering

Rawan Ehab Almafraji


Sara Filipe

Vice President — Marketing & Sales

Samuele Artico


Pablo Asenjo Gonzalez

 HoD Structures

Teresa Correia


Joana da Conceição Ferreira Piçarra

HoD Operations

Antonio Crisalli


Carlos Atienza González

HoD Human Factors

Emanuele Cravero


Juan Barbas Anta

HoD Automations

Mercedes Andrea


Lucía Barbas Anta

Human Factors

Tatiana Coreniuc


Maria Leonor de Almeida Marinho

Human Factors

Sergio Barbas Vázquez


David Díaz Gutiérrez


Gonzalo Burgos


From all participants, only 12 entrants can qualify for the NASA World Finals this summer. From 29 July – 1 August 2022, qualifiers from around the world will gather in person at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center to take part at the 2022 International Space Settlement Design Competition (ISSDC). There will be no digital hosting element to this year’s ISSDC and therefore all qualifying participants must attend in person.

The following 2 individuals have already been selected as the Golden Ticket recipients at the Italy and Portugal Nationals:

Luigi Trucco

ITSDC — KA — VPE    

Bernardo Rodrigues

PTSDC — KA — President

Through a rigorous selection process, the EUSDC is proud to congratulate the following 9 students who will be qualifying from the EUSDC and representing Europe at this year’s ISSDC! The 12th and final position is being reserved for a National competition scheduled for May.

Guillermo Baselga Gómez

EAI — President

Joana da Conceição Ferreira Piçarra

EAI — HoD Operations

Sara Filipe

EAI — VP Marketing & Sales

Sergio Barbas Vázquez

EAI — Automations

Pablo Asenjo Gonzalez

EAI — HoD Structures

Traditionally, participants with the highest number of votes from the challenging companies join the representatives of the winning company. In recognition of their outstanding effort, the following students have been selected:

Ivan (Valerie) Kamberov

KA — HoD Operations

Roberto Gurnari

KA — Human Factors

Marta Vasconcelos

OMTC — President

Pablo Gutiérrez Izquierdo

OMTC — Structures

The following individuals have been selected as the ISSDC 2022 reserves in the stated order:

Marta Isola

KA — Operations

João Lourenço

KA —VP Enginering

Rodrigo Caseiro

EAI — VP Enginering

Once again, congratulations! Not only to the ISSDC qualifiers, but to all taking part for making this year’s edition of the EUSDC a memorable and educationally valuable event. Special thanks to International Space University for your constant support in outreach and your enthusiasm for the competitions, and to all the volunteers across the entire EUSDC journey for supporting us.

If you have been inspired to join our journeys or our EUSDC family, do not hesitate to get in touch or register yourself as a volunteer. We’d love to have you on board.

Watch this space!